
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Emiliano Antiga” ,找到相关结果约730条。
Dermatitis Herpetiformis: From the Genetics to the Development of Skin Lesions
Diletta Bonciani,Alice Verdelli,Veronica Bonciolini,Antonietta D'Errico,Emiliano Antiga,Paolo Fabbri,Marzia Caproni
Clinical and Developmental Immunology , 2012, DOI: 10.1155/2012/239691
Abstract: Dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) is a rare autoimmune disease linked to gluten sensitivity with a chronic-relapsing course. It is currently considered to be the specific cutaneous manifestation of celiac disease (CD). Both conditions are mediated by the IgA class of autoantibodies, and the diagnosis of DH is dependent on the detection of granular deposits of IgA in the skin. There is an underlying genetic predisposition to the development of DH, but environmental factors are also important. This paper describes these different factors and discusses the known mechanism that lead to the development of skin lesions.
Newly Described Clinical and Immunopathological Feature of Dermatitis Herpetiformis
Veronica Bonciolini,Diletta Bonciani,Alice Verdelli,Antonietta D'Errico,Emiliano Antiga,Paolo Fabbri,Marzia Caproni
Clinical and Developmental Immunology , 2012, DOI: 10.1155/2012/967974
Abstract: Dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) is an inflammatory cutaneous disease with typical histopathological and immunopathological findings clinically characterized by intensely pruritic polymorphic lesions with a chronic-relapsing course. In addition to classic clinical manifestations of DH, atypical variants are more and more frequently reported and histological and immunological are added to them, whereas the impact on quality of life of patients with DH is increasingly important to a certain diagnosis. The aim of this paper is to describe all the possible clinical, histological, and immunological variants of DH in order to facilitate the diagnosis of a rare disease and, therefore, little known.
Celiac Disease and Dermatologic Manifestations: Many Skin Clue to Unfold Gluten-Sensitive Enteropathy
Marzia Caproni,Veronica Bonciolini,Antonietta D'Errico,Emiliano Antiga,Paolo Fabbri
Gastroenterology Research and Practice , 2012, DOI: 10.1155/2012/952753
Abstract: Cutaneous manifestations of intestinal diseases are increasingly reported both in the adult and in the children, and this association cannot longer be considered a simple random. Besides the well-known association between celiac disease (CD) and dermatitis herpetiformis (DH), considered as the cutaneous manifestation of gluten-dependent enteropathy, is more frequently reported also the association with other mucocutaneous diseases. Among these there are both autoimmune, allergic, and inflammatory diseases, but also a more heterogeneous group called miscellaneous. The knowledge about pathogenic, epidemiological, clinical, and diagnostic aspects of CD is increasing in recent years as well as those about DH, but some aspects still remain to be defined, in particular the possible pathogenetic mechanisms involved in the association between both CD and DH and CD and other immunological skin diseases. The aim of this paper is to describe the skin diseases frequently associated with CD, distinguishing them from those which have a relationship probably just coincidental.
Granular IgA Deposits in the Skin of Patients with Coeliac Disease: Is it Always Dermatitis Herpetiformis?
Alessandra Ninci,Beatrice Bianchi,Elena Del Bianco,Emiliano Antiga,Marzia Caproni,Nicola Pimpinelli,Veronica Bonciolini,Vincenza Maio
- , 2019, DOI: 10.2340/00015555-3001
Abstract: Coeliac disease is an immune-mediated enteropathy driven by gluten, which can be associated with dermatitis herpetiformis. The presence of granular IgA deposits, detected by direct immunofluorescence, is the hallmark of dermatitis herpetiformis; nevertheless, IgA deposits have also been demonstrated in healthy skin of patients with coeliac disease. The main objective of this study was to investigate whether IgA deposits could be found in the skin of patients with coeliac disease who have non-dermatitis herpetiformis inflammatory skin diseases. Direct immunofluorescence was performed on perilesional skin biopsies of 6 patients with coeliac disease with non-dermatitis herpetiformis inflammatory skin diseases and, as control, on 12 non-coeliac patients with inflammatory skin diseases. IgA deposits were found in all of the patients with coeliac disease, but were absent in the control group. In conclusion, IgA deposits may be considered an immunopathological marker for coeliac disease; therefore, patients with coeliac disease showing skin manifestations with positive direct immunofluorescence should be investigated carefully in order to make a differential diagnosis between dermatitis herpetiformis and other non-dermatitis herpetiformis inflammatory skin diseases.
Urban Dispositions of Violences. A Brief Panorama at Socio-Spatial Logics of Violence at Latin American City  [PDF]
Emiliano Duering Cufré
Open Journal of Social Sciences (JSS) , 2019, DOI: 10.4236/jss.2019.712029
Abstract: Nowadays, when all the forms of violence have become something normal and they are part of our everyday life, mainly for the so-called developing countries, it is essential to inquire about everyday beliefs and practices, which enable coercive links or their invisibility. Dispositions are intellectual mechanisms that define trends of action for individuals in a given context and situation; they are based mainly on beliefs and the characteristics of the socio-spatial context. This analysis discusses the question: what are dispositions that legitimize and promote the segregated city? Our thinking is based on a review of several studies, and empirical research on the peripheral and central public spaces in large cities, especially some recent research on violence in the outskirts of Mexico City. In other words, we intend to examine it from the point of view of the groups that suffer most from the violence. But mainly it is about proposing an examination of our preferences and desires to inhabit cities in search of the mechanisms that protect us from discomfort, but which, at the same time, tend to harbour the seeds of human violence.
Simulacros: arte, subjetividad y resistencia
Discusiones Filosóficas , 2010,
Abstract: in this paper i intend to show how it is possible starting with a rupture with the platonic model of thought to give rise to a consideration of aesthetics and subjectivity as fields of politic experimentation. such field of experimentation can be considered in the very core of platonic work, out of the dispute that this maintains with the artist and that leads him to expel them from the polis. in this expulsion of pretense plato intends to secure the good order of the city, to enclose art within the limits of mimesis and representation. this paper suggests to think about art and politics beyond representation because only overcoming plato's condemnation, art opens the field of resistance by which it introduces what is not presentable: the new.
Ecólogos y mega-minería, reflexiones sobre por qué y cómo involucrarse en el conflicto minero-ambiental
Ecolog?-a austral , 2009,
Abstract: the number of large scale mining operations has been increasing greatly in argentina during the last decade. because large scale mining demands the surrender of large natural areas and the extensive use of toxic substances (e.g., cyanide), it has resulted in social and environmental conflicts of diverse magnitude. an array of different social subjects has publicly stated their support or opposition to mining activities. conversely, professional societies (i.e., asociación argentina de ecología [asae] and sociedad argentina para el estudio de los mamíferos [sarem]) with active participation of ecologists have been absent from the debate. here i argue that both asae and sarem should become publicly involved the mining-environmental conflict not only to fulfill their foundational objectives (contributing to the protection and conservation of argentina's natural heritage) but also because of the scientific-technical character assumed by the documents developed and presented by mining companies (e.g., environmental impact assessments [eia], monitoring plans and reports). potential mechanisms for involvement include: active participation in the evaluation of documents produced by mining companies, public dissemination of these evaluations, collaboration with state agents responsible for evaluating eias and monitoring programs, planning and implementation of legal action against those professionals and public officers who endorse low quality technical documents, and promotion of ethical behavior within the field of ecology.
Racionalización y comunización en la esfera económica. Los matices del individualismo en la teoría de la modernidad weberiana
Emiliano Torterola
Papeles del CEIC , 2010,
Abstract: La lectura de textos clave de la teoría de la modernidad en Weber –como La ética protestante y el espíritu del capitalismo e Historia económica general- podría llevarnos a afirmar que la racionalización de la esfera económica conduce a una constante impersonalización y formalización de las relaciones societales. Sin embargo, tal teoría presenta ciertos matices, tanto desde una perspectiva histórico-cultural como a la luz de algunas categorías sociológicas weberianas. El presente artículo, tiene por objeto complejizar las interpretaciones más usuales de la teoría sociológica de comienzos del siglo XX –incluyendo la de Weber- en torno a la formación del individualismo económico moderno como epicentro del pasaje de los cálidos lazos comunitarios a los instrumentalizados vínculos asociativos. / By reading Weber’s main texts about the theory of modernity – such as The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism and General Economic History- the con-clusion could be reached that the rationalization of the economic sphere leads to an ongoing depersonal-ization and to the formalization of societal relationships. However, his theory does have certain shades to it, both from a historical-cultural perspective as under the light of some main Weberian sociological categories. The aim of this article is to discuss the complexities concealed by the most usual interpretations of the sociological theory at the beginnings of the 20th Cen-tury –including that of Weber– concerning the development of the modern economic individual as epicenter of the passage from the warm communal bonds to the instrumental associative relationships.
Love of Machines. Antynomies of Machine in Polish Modernism Mi o maszyn. Antynomie maszyny w polskim modernizmie
Emiliano Ranocchi
Studi Slavistici , 2012,
Abstract: Also for Polish modernism the machine comes to be a synecdoche of modernity as a whole. In contrast to the fetishistic approach to machines that characterized Italian futurism and to the economic utilitarian attitude of Russian futurism, which saw machines as an instrument of proletarian emancipation, in 1923 the leader and chief theoretician of Polish futurism, Bruno Jasieński, introduced (in Polish Futurism: a balance) the vision of the machine as a prosthesis, a continuation of the human body. This essay starts from Jasieński’s proposition and, by means of an aware?? anachronism, makes use of the 20th century categories of cyborgs to try to describe and interpret an extensive passage of the unique novel of a forgotten Polish writer from the period between the two World wars, Jerzy Sosnkowski. The novel in question is called A Car, You and Me (Love of Machines) and was published in 1925. Chapter VIII of the novel describes the main character’s dystopian dream about machines taking control over the world dooming the human race to extinction. Among 20th century cyborg categories, the ones that appear to be especially useful are those that cross the confines between human and machine and between human and animal. In this case we are dealing with machines described as huge animals. Although the machines theriomorphous shape seems to bypass man, they retain certain key features in common with us, such as sexual desire. Besides the cyborgs, another category (usually applied to man-machine resemblance) proved effective in trying to analyze Sosnkowski’s animal machines, an aesthetic and psychoanalytical one, that of the Uncanny. Although the dystopian character of the dream is due to the fact that machines have no feelings, hence their effectiveness and superiority over men, Sosnkowski seems to have had a foreboding of another possibility: an intelligent machine (in the novel represented by the main character’s car), which empathetically understands and realizes what the man is thinking and feeling. This intuition, which predicts current research into contemporary robotics, makes this text worth remembering. Also for Polish modernism the machine comes to be a synecdoche of modernity as a whole. In contrast to the fetishistic approach to machines that characterized Italian futurism and to the economic utilitarian attitude of Russian futurism, which saw machines as an instrument of proletarian emancipation, in 1923 the leader and chief theoretician of Polish futurism, Bruno Jasieński, introduced (in Polish Futurism: a balance) the vision of the machine as a pros
I contratti a contenuto patrimoniale nel diritto canonico
Emiliano Nicolini
Stato, Chiese e Pluralismo Confessionale , 2011,
Abstract: Il contributo è stato segnalato dal Prof. Vittorio Parlato, già ordinario di Diritto ecclesiastico nella Facoltà di Scienze politiche dell’Università degli Studi di Urbino “Carlo Bo”. SOMMARIO: 1. Il tema - 2. Il contratto di alienazione e la canonizzazione del diritto civile territoriale – 2.1. Gli atti di alienazione come atti di straordinaria amministrazione – 2.2. Tipi di rinvio al diritto civile territoriale, in specie italiano, e limiti - 2.3. I contratti in genere - 2.3.1. Criteri di collegamento con il diritto civile territoriale - 2.4. – I criteri di collegamento con il diritto civile territoriale nei contratti ‘in specie’ - 3. Le condizioni di validità e liceità della fattispecie alienatoria – 3.1. L’alienazione canonicamente invalida - 3.2. L’applicazione del limite del diritto divino - 4. La prescrizione.

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